Job: System/database administrator at Sweco.
Educational background: Master of Science from the IT University of Copenhagen.
I once wrote a page comparing different SQL implementations. And have written various code which you may find useful.
Furthermore, I have a weblog.
Here's a list of podcasts that I follow. And here's a bunch of other links (in Danish).
private: +45 51213121
work: +45 42821360
Troels Arvin
Uldumvej 15
DK-2770 Kastrup
The address on a map.
Contributions/edits at content sites:
My public PGP key. My public ssh2 key.
Bitcoin address: 1LQSMUdD4HTwaBWgCyWSP8ZVBPDMJRhqsT
More digital presence:
Don't write any mail to (this is an experiment).